Friday, June 29, 2012

Essie cascade cool polish review

I just got a new essie nail polish! And I looove it! Okay, guys, my sister bought it for me for my birthday, along with some other clothes and stuff, and I really like it a lot so far! It was at Target, and I told her how I liked it, but for whatever reason, I didn't buy it. It was on CLEARANCE too! Anywho, it is a great barbie pink, and it makes my hands look tan, despite how the pics look. It's called "cascade cool", and I am wearing it right now, and I've had it on for a good 24 hours, and every bit of it has stayed on, not a chip in sight! Plus, it's super shiny, and it looks like I am wearing a top coat or like maybe I've gotten a mani, BUT I HAVEN'T!!!! Can you tell this is my first essie polish?? Well, it is! And I will be buying more in the future! Because I now have a job, and I can hopefully afford nicer things! Anyways, here are some pictures I took of the polish itself and of my painted nails!

Read more for the whole review!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Epic win for a dollar tree!

Hey, peeps!
I just wanted to share with you a recent dollar tree haul! It consists of mostly makeup, with some crafty things, and well, frankly, some other pretty darn random stuff.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Zebra Nails

My first tutorial! And it is for a zebra nail look! Yahoo! Here's the finished product!

Read on if you want to learn how to do it!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Huge makeup collection

Hey, peeps!
I just wanted to show you my makeup collection that I am pretty darn proud of! :) I should really be ashamed of how large it is, but I'm not! Well, some people collect rocks or stamps, I collect makeup!
Anywho, here is a nice peek:
Read more for the whole collection!