Thursday, May 10, 2012

Yogurt Drops!

This is a really great summery treat that feels like you're eating a lot more than you actually are (a cup of yogurt)! So here's how I made them...

These are the things you'll need: A piece of tinfoil, a ziploc baggie, scissors, yogurt, and a spoon.

Just pour the yogurt into the baggie, and use the spoon to get the rest out.

Snip off the tip of the baggie. If you snip off a small triangle, chunks of strawberry may get stuck and then it will blob all over your foil. If you snip off a large triangle, it's a little hard to control, cause it can all fall out. So snip off a medium-sized triangle.

Squirt out little dots of yogurt on the tinfoil. Cover it with the whole cup's worth of yogurt.

Then gently slide the piece of foil onto a thick paper bag, cutting board, or piece of cardboard.

Stick it in the freezer...

And wait for about an hour or more if you don't want them to melt as quickly (this is the hardest part)!
This is the finished product! I ate mine with a spoon, or you can just pop them one at a time in your mouth! However, if you do the latter, you may have to split it into a couple of servings because it melts fairly fast.

I got the idea for these from One Good Thing.
Hope you enjoy! I know I did!
~The Wild Chrysanthemum

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